Gayle - it is possible, in fact probable, that some HQ lawyers went along with Don Adams. There seemed to be a shift in strategy after his visit, but I have no direct confirmation that they were involved. There are some things going on in the background that could eventually involve the WTB&TS of Penna. Since they own all of the deeds, properties, insurance, and loan funds, they are the sitting target if fraud can be proved. At this point, the plaintiffs are only interested in their own vindication, not in suing the WTS or getting monetary settlements. Their reputations were damaged and one of them was accused of embezzlement. So they feel they have no choice but to take it as far as they can. They want their good names back and if possible, to be restored to their elder positions and good standing.
Doubting Bro - No, they have not been DF'd yet, but are surely to be as soon as the case settles one way or the other. They still do some field service and go to occasional meetings to retain their active status. But it sounds like a case for insubordination and "brazen conduct" to me. They know they have little or no chance of staying in as JWs.
DontPlaceLiterature - Yes, there is a local reporter working on the case. We share tips from time to time. The plaintiffs have so far refused to meet with her personally. She is monitoring the court documents and court hearings and has a few inside contacts herself. I'm sure that the Bay Area newspapers will pick up the story as soon as she is ready to publish and gets her editor's approval. There are many meetings and court proceedings ahead, so she is biding her time. Everyone I've spoken to is pretty sure that when this case actually goes to trial, the gates will come off the barn.
Steve2 - you are right. This case does not involve a celebrity or a major politician. Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jimmy Swaggart, Haggard, etc. have all had their share of problems and scandals, and those cases seem to just disappear and are eventually forgotten. The NYTimes was far more interested in the WTS selling off their Brooklyn properties, but have rarely mentioned any WT scandals. They completely ignored the passing of Ray Franz - in spite of his notoriety and overall effect on the course of the WT Governing Body.
Dozy - you are also right. Spill some blood, kill somebody, or rape a baby - and they'll spend months writing about it. But falsifying records, underhanded dealings, and financial ripoffs (unless you are Bernie Madoff and steal Billions!), no newspaper will show much interest. But I think this story will eventually get some larger press exposure.
Sabastious - I totally agree with you. Theft, extortion, falsification of bank records, and illegal tax evasion are all crimes and should not be able to hide behind a religious facade nor committed by someone wearing a Roman collar or flowing robes. Criminal activity is just that - criminal. So far there is evidence in this case of alleged forgery, falsification and back-dating of official state corporation records, and theft under false pretenses. Just saying that they are exempt from prosecution because they are a religious organization doesn't make it right. I hope the judge in this case takes her time and let's her excellent sense of justice help her come to her final decision. From where I sit, there seems to be a correct verdict sitting there staring her in the face as long as she does not confuse "freedom of religion" with "excused criminal activities."
SIAM - the reporter has not dropped the story, but is simply waiting until the case either goes to court, or the story plays itself out one way or the other.